

Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is one of the most challenging and complex plastic surgery procedures. It requires that the surgeon has a keen sense of artistic proportions, advanced surgical skills, and extensive experience with the way various nasal structures and tissues respond to surgical intervention, both immediately and with the passage of time.


Rhinoplasty is primarily performed to change the cosmetic appearance of the nose. There are two basic types of rhinoplasty procedures; including open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. The closed rhinoplasty involves incisions inside the nose only. The open rhinoplasty requires a very small incision across the columella. The patient’s goals and anatomy dictate which approach is best. Dr. Haddock will tailor the procedure to you. Rhinoplasty often involves a combination of removal of cartilage, reshaping of cartilage, and/or rebuilding the cartilage framework. The ultimate goal is to give the patient an “un-operated” natural appearing nose that functions well with breathing.


Following the surgery you will be placed in a nasal splint. This will remain in place for less then a week. There may be swelling and possibly some bruising that remains and resolves over time. Most patients return to school or work within the first week following surgery. Full athletic activities except for contact sports can be resumed in 3 weeks.

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