Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck


An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal wall as well as to contour your midsection.  This procedure can create a more youthful, and firmer looking abdomen.


Many people suffer from an abdomen that is protuberant, and or have excess skin and fat that creates a dissatisfying appearance. Common causes of this are pregnancy, aging and significant fluctuations in weight. The goal of abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is to remove loose skin and flatten the abdomen. The scope of the procedure depends on how much excess skin and fat is present in the abdomen area and whether significant muscle laxity has occurred. 


Abdominoplasty does not involve a one-size-fits-all procedure. Our treatment starts with a pre-operative consultation at our office in Fort Worth. During the initial meeting we will take time to learn what each individual patient’s goals are, and tailor a treatment plan so you can achieve your goals.


An abdominoplasty allows maximum removal of excess skin and stretch marks.  The abdominal muscles are tightened for improved contour. We take great care to position the abdominoplasty scar in the bikini line, where it is covered by underwear or a bathing suit. There is also a second small scar that encircles the belly button, as it will need to be repositioned.  Both scars usually fade after one year but they are permanent and will always retain some degree of visibility. Scaring can vary from person to person.


Special Considerations


Abdominoplasty should be deferred if future pregnancies are planned.An abdominoplasty is not a weight-loss procedure. The best candidates for tummy tucks are already at their ideal weight. In addition, the results will be better maintained if there is no major weight fluctuation after the procedure.


Risks / Potential Complications Associated With AbdominoplastyComplications following abdominoplasty procedures are uncommon. However, some patients may suffer from post operative bleeding,  (hematoma), fluid accumulations under the skin (seroma), infections, and delayed healing due to skin loss at the incision site. A more significant potential problem is the development of blood clots that can lead to serious problems such as pulmonary embolism. Specialized boots that pump blood through the legs are always used during surgery to reduce the risk of leg vein clots.


Smoking can increase the risk of complications and delay healing. It is therefore imperative that individuals who wish to undergo a tummy tuck completely stop smoking at least one month prior to surgery. “Cutting down” is not enough to eliminate the increased risk.

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