Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

A woman’s breasts may develop ptosis of “drooping” a result of the natural effects of aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss. A breast lift, or mastopexy, corrects drooping breasts by removing excess skin, and repositioning the nipple/areolar complex.  This allow suspension of the breast at a higher position to create a more youthful appearance.  The incision pattern is a bit more visible given the need to remove excess tissue, however these incisions are generally well concealed and heal well over time.

A mastopexy can be a very effective in satisfying procedure, and can be combined with the use of an implant to help restore lost volume from the breast, or even to augment volume.  This decision can be made after consultation with your surgeon.

Mastopexy incisions

Mastopexy incisions may very, however the 2 most common are a vertical style incision where the incision circumscribe the areola and extends and a vertical fashion down to the level of the breast crease.  Another common style incision is the “inverse T” style incision where along with the vertical component, the incision extends along the inframammary crease.  These incisions will be demonstrated for you at the time of your consultation once the appropriate technique is selected to help address your individual goals.

Mastopexy Postoperative Expectations

Some swelling and bruising as expected in the postoperative phase.  You will be provided a support bra for which you will need to wear consistently in the postoperative period.  Activity restrictions will be detailed for you, however most patients can return to work within 1-2 weeks.  Range of motion exercises are encouraged after surgery.  Detailed postoperative instructions will be provided for you at the time of surgery.


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