Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is extremely pocket lower surgical procedure designed to enhance the size of the breast.  The procedure involves making a small incision on the breast so that a saline or silicone implant can be surgically inserted.  The incision is well concealed in the lower breast crease and is minimally visible postoperatively.  A variety of implant options are available and can be discussed with her surgeon to help find the right implant to create the right look for you.


Implant Incision

A breast augmentation can be performed using a variety of different techniques.  The 3 most common incisions are:

Underneath the breast (inframammary)
Around the areola (periaerolar)
In the armpit (transaxillary)

The incisions are generally well concealed an usually are minimally visible once the breast is completely healed.  The inframammary fold incision is extremely versatile and most commonly used in our practice.  Further discussions about placement of surgical incisions are often times addressed at your surgical consultation.


Both saline and silicone implants are approved by the FDA for breast augmentation.  There are variety of options available, which should be discussed during her consultation to help find the correct implant to help suture needs.  Multiple samples are available in office to help conception lies the differences between the various devices

Risks of Breast Augmentation

The body normally forms a thin layer of scar around the implant placed.  This scar, is a natural response by her body and will be formed around any prosthetic device used surgically.  The scars often referred to as a “capsule”.  The capsule helps maintain the implant position, however in some instances can become thickened forming a capsular contracture.  This can in part a firm, sometimes painful , and sometimes even abnormal appearance to the breast.  If a capsular contracture occurs, it is sometimes necessary to undergo surgical correction.  The various implant manufacture’s do provide warrantees of their devices, and can be discussed further at her consultation.  

Complications from breast augmentation are rare. Infection or bleeding problems can occur and may require additional surgery.  Implants male so rupture necessitating the need for an implant exchange.  All risks will be extensively covered prior to undergoing surgery

Post-Operative Care 

Postoperative care he is generally straightforward.  A support bra will be provided for you so the can wear this at all times.  Movement and non-weightbearing activity is encouraged in the immediate postoperative phase.  Most people can return to work within 1 week time period.  Specific activity restrictions will be detailed further in your postoperative care instructions provided for you at the time of surgery.

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