Extremity Reconstruction


Extremity reconstruction can involve many different aspects. Functional extremities are paramount for daily functional living. Following traumatic injury there is often both a bone and soft tissue defect that can be debilitating. In some situations a contour defect may exist. Our doctors can provide combined orthoplastic surgery techniques that can address unique situations.

Skin grafts

Skin grafts are a versatile and effective way to provide skin to resurface a defect.  It involves taking skin from one part of your body, and transferring it to another.  Generally, You will have either a wound vacuum device in place to hold the skin graft, or a bolstered dressing.  These dressings will be removed several days later in the clinic.  

Skin grafts can also be used in conjuction with other types of biologic grafts to aid in wound healing

Local Flaps

local flaps involve transferring local muscle and or skin to cover a defect.  There are a wide variety of flaps that can often times be used to reconstruct a defect and restore functionality.  These options will be discussed at length with you and your surgeon pre-operatively

Free Flaps

Free flaps are the transfer of tissue from one part of the body to another.  The may include, muscle, skin, or skin and muscle as a combined unit.  The tissue is procured on a blood vessel that will then be re-connected to a blood vessel near the recipient site.  These surgeries are generally a more involved reconstructive modality and require a longer hospital stay.  Your surgeons will discuss your options with you at length in the pre-operative phase.

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