
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the eyelids to create a more youthful appearance.  Both upper and lower eyelids are common areas to develop early signs of facial aging.  This includes excess skin, fat bulging or herniation, and or both.  Blepharoplasty is an affective procedure to create a refreshed and more aesthetically pleasing appearance to your eyelids.

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

The changes in the upper eyelid are often due to excessive skin and fat accumulation.  Upper blepharoplasty involves the removal of excess skin from the upper eyelids, and at times, removal of some of the bulging fat around the eye itself.  This helps to create a more youthful appearance as well as a smoother contour.  The upper eyelid incisions blend well with the natural creases of her eyelid, and the scar is generally minimally visible and easily concealed.  Some postoperative swelling and bruising is expected in the postoperative phase.

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid skin laxity, and fat herniation is a very common problem.  This can contribute to the commonly complained look of “bags” under her eyes.  A lower lid blepharoplasty can combine a variety of techniques to address excess skin, laxity of the lower lid itself, and/or removal of the excess some bulging fat from the lower lid.  This is an extremely effective procedure to help restore some of the youth fullness and contour to the lower eyelid.  Incisions are concealed either inside the eyelid, or within the skin creases on the external eyelid.  Some swelling and bruising is expected in the postoperative phase.  Sutures are generally removed 5-7 days after surgery.  Surgical techniques are tailored to the individual patient to address their specific needs and will be discussed further at consultation.


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